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    Organizational Structure

    Ken Lim

    Head of Asia Pacific Equities,
    Public Equities

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    Ken Lim is Head of Asia Pacific Equities. In addition, Ken also leads the EMA Thematic Fund, the EMA Tech Cluster Fund, and co-leads the EMA Absolute Return Fund. Ken is also a member of the Sustainability Committee and the India Business Group.

    Ken joined GIC in 1996 and was one of the founding members of Equities Research. Through the years, Ken has covered Global Technology, Asia Conglomerates, Asia Real Estate, Industrial Components, Asia Telecoms, Asia Utilities, and was one of the first Asia Internet analysts in the 1990s. Ken also ran an Overlay Developed Markets Asia Portfolio within Equities Research. After transitioning to Asia Pacific Equities, Ken has run a Regional Portfolio and a Hong Kong Country Portfolio and was the Hong Kong and India Specialist. In addition, Ken was also previously the lead Portfolio Manager for the Sustainable Investment Fund, which was a Global All Asset Class Portfolio.

    Ken holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics (Finance), summa cum laude, from the Wharton School of Business, and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Bio Engineering), summa cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania.

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