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    How we invest


    How we invest

    Taking a disciplined approach to long-term value investing

    Investing in Technology

    Technology has disrupted traditional industries, spawning new businesses in its wake. We move with the times, expanding our investing and organisational efforts in this area.

    Investing Sustainably

    Companies with good sustainability practices offer prospects of better returns over the long term, and this relationship will strengthen over time.

    Our Core Strengths

    GIC’s core strengths help fulfill our mandate: to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves under our management over the long term.

    Long-Term Orientation

    • Focuses on long-term business fundamentals
    • Provides stable, committed capital to businesses
    • Develops long-standing relationships with stakeholders

    Broad Investment Mandate

    • Able to invest across geographies, asset classes, deal types, and capital structure
    • Adaptable to growing and diversifying the financial needs of businesses
    • Creates cross-asset synergies and opportunities through collaboration within GIC

    Values-Driven Investing

    • Has sound governance, which provides strong oversight and accountability
    • Acts in accordance with our PRIME values

    Global Operations

    • Has an international network with on-the-ground presence in key markets
    • Invests across industries worldwide, which offers valuable insights and perspectives
    • Coordinates resources and coverage as one GIC, across our global offices

    Collaborative & Committed Partnerships

    • Works with like-minded and skilled partners
    • Nurtures enduring partnerships
    • Adds value through our experience and wide network

    How We Build our Portfolio

    Our investment framework capitalises on our core strengths including our long investment horizon, significant capital pool, global reach, best-in-class capabilities, and robust governance structure.

    Our Policy Portfolio

    The Policy Portfolio represents GIC’s long-term asset allocation strategy, which seeks to harvest risk premia in a balanced manner that is consistent with the Client’s risk tolerance.

    Risk Management

    Investing involves prudent risk-taking. Identifying and managing risk is therefore a core responsibility of all in GIC. Through a well-defined risk management framework, we ensure the risks taken are in line with our Client’s risk tolerance.

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    Investment Groups

    Our investment teams manage a broad-based portfolio of asset classes. A focus on intrinsic value and price discipline guides them as they structure and pursue investment opportunities across asset classes and the capital structure.

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    Santiago Principles

    As a sovereign wealth fund and Board Member of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF), we support and abide by the Santiago Principles.

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