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    Organizational Structure

    Heidi Miskin

    Head of Funds & Co-Investments Americas, Private Equity

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    Heidi Miskin is Head of Funds and Co-Investments (FCG) Americas in GIC’s Private Equity (PE) department. In this role, Heidi oversees GIC’s North America private equity funds program, as well as co-investments alongside GPs. In addition, Heidi is co-chair of GIC America’s Global Women in GIC (WING) taskforce, which helps to further advance the representation and inclusion of women at GIC.

    Heidi joined GIC in April 2004. Prior to joining GIC, Heidi was a Senior Associate at Doughty Hanson and an analyst at Morgan Stanley.

    Heidi holds a Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University where she graduated with Joint Honors in Economics and Finance.

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