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    Organizational Structure

    Ang Eng Seng

    Chief Investment Officer, Infrastructure

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    Ang Eng Seng is GIC’s Chief Investment Officer for Infrastructure. Before this, he was President of Europe and Head of the Integrated Strategies Group.

    Prior to joining GIC in 1994, Eng Seng was a Director of the Auditor-General’s Office in Singapore. From 1996 to 1998, he was seconded from GIC to China International Capital Corporation in Beijing, first as the Deputy General Manager and subsequently as the General Manager of its Direct Investment Department. He was Head of the Greater China Team for GIC Special Investments from 1999 to 2003, before becoming the Head of Europe Private Equity until 2009. He was concurrently Global Head of GIC’s Direct Investment Group and Head of the Infrastructure Group from 2009 to 2012.

    Eng Seng holds a Bachelor of Arts in Engineering and a Master of Arts from Cambridge University. He is a CPA and CFA charterholder. He has also attended the Advanced Management Program in Stanford University.

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