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    Advisor Emeritus

    Knut Kjær

    Executive Chairman
    Sector Asset Management

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    GIC Advisor Emeritus

    Knut Kjær is Executive Chairman of Sector Asset Management, as well as Partner of FSN Capital. He was a member of the GIC International Advisory Board and advisor to the GIC Investment Strategies Committee from 2012 to 2018. Mr Kjær was the Founding CEO of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund, Norges Bank Investment Management, that currently is one of the world’s largest single pool of assets. He was President of RiskMetrics Group in New York in 2009 and 2010. He is currently a member of the MAS Investment and Risk Advisory Panel, the APG Asset Management Supervisory Board and the Advisory Investment Committee of Bank of Thailand.

    Mr Kjær holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Oslo and has attended the AMP program at Harvard Business School.

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