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    A Decade of Investing in Latin America



    Investment Strategies

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    Creating a More Vibrant Family Office Sector Together

    GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat shares about the growth and future direction of the family office sector in Singapore and Asia, including the need for purposeful wealth to advance entrepreneurship, sustainability and philanthropy.

    21 Oct, 2022 ∙ 7 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Sustainability

    GIC’s Role in Enabling the Global Transition to Net Zero

    Liew Tzu Mi, CIO, Fixed Income, and Chair of the Sustainability Committee at GIC, shares her views on GIC's role in enabling the global transition to net zero.

    23 Aug, 2022 ∙ 2 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    The Family Business Advantage

    Arjun Khullar, Head of Integrated Strategies at GIC, shared his perspectives on the landscape for family-owned businesses in Asia and globally for the National Bank of Canada's annual Family Advantage Report.

    04 Jul, 2022 ∙ 2 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    Investing in India for the Long Term

    GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat shares his thoughts on GIC’s long-term view and strategy for India.

    08 Jun, 2022 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Real Estate Investing in the Americas

    Adam Gallistel, GIC’s Region Head for Real Estate, Americas and Head of the New York Office, shares his perspective on the latest trends and opportunities in real estate investing in the Americas.

    27 May, 2022 ∙ 2 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Importance of a Long-term Approach to Partnerships

    GIC takes a long-term approach to partnerships which is key to building trust and understanding, resulting in enduring relationships and maximum mutual benefits.

    24 Mar, 2022 ∙ 1 Min Read

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    Navigating New Uncertainties

    As part of Morgan Stanley's Exceptional Leaders/Exceptional Ideas interview series, Lim Chow Kiat, CEO of GIC, discusses how Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund has navigated a period of historic disruption.

    22 Mar, 2022 ∙ 1 Min Read

    Investment Strategies Technology

    A Sustainable Future for Healthcare

    Healthcare experts share lessons learnt from Covid-19, and how innovation, data and technology could help create more sustainable healthcare systems over the long term.

    04 Feb, 2022 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Long-term Investing in Japan

    Lim Chow Kiat, CEO of GIC, and Ken Sugimoto, Head of GIC’s Japan office, discuss the latest investment trends in Japan and why the country remains a key focus for GIC.

    13 Dec, 2021 ∙ 2 Mins Read

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