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    A Decade of Investing in Latin America



    Investment Strategies

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    A Decade of Investing in Latin America

    In celebration of our 10th anniversary in Brazil, GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat and Head of Brazil Office Wolfgang Schwerdtle shared their views on GIC’s investment approach to Latin America, where they see long-term opportunities, and the impact of the current global macro environment on investments in the region.

    12 Jun, 2024 ∙ 4 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Unlocking Growth in Emerging Markets

    At GIC Insights 2023, global investors and business leaders discussed how to navigate the various opportunities and risks that emerging markets present in today’s investment environment.

    29 Jan, 2024 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Investing in the Foundations for a Better Tomorrow, Today

    Against the backdrop of multiple global crises, GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat discusses the importance of global citizenship, and the role investors play in shaping a better world.

    28 Nov, 2023 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    Long-term Investing Across Generations

    GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat discusses the importance of learning from past lessons, clarity over long-term goals and and the adoption of robust processes to navigate long-term investing across generations.

    27 Nov, 2023 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Investing in Japan for the Long Term

    GIC has invested in real estate since the 1980s, and in Japan since the 1990s. Today, we manage a diversified portfolio spanning major property sectors, including hospitality and logistics, and will continue to seek good, risk-adjusted returns in Japan’s real estate market.

    29 Aug, 2023 ∙ 2 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Infrastructure: A Resilient Strategy in Uncertain Times

    GIC set up a dedicated team in 2005 to invest in infrastructure businesses and was an early entrant in the sector. In the two decades since, it has refined its investment strategy through multiple economic cycles. Today, infrastructure investments form a large and critical part of GIC’s portfolio.

    08 Aug, 2023 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Technology

    Investing in Technology: GIC’s Long-Term Approach for Successful Partnerships

    Technology has always had a place in GIC’s portfolio since its founding over four decades ago. At the Bridge Forum Summit in May 2023, GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat and Head of TIG Chris Emanuel shared more about how GIC invests in tech as a long-term investor and the future of tech.

    28 Jun, 2023 ∙ 8 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Building at Scale in Europe

    Tracy Stroh, GIC’s Region Head of Real Estate, Europe, discusses the latest trends and opportunities in real estate investing in Europe.

    26 Apr, 2023 ∙ 9 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Balancing Resilience and Agility to Deliver Long-term Performance

    GIC and FCLTGlobal jointly developed a toolkit to help companies build long-term resilience into their businesses, while enabling investors to evaluate and appropriately value that resilience.

    24 Nov, 2022 ∙ 1 Min Read





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