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    Singular Focus, Collective Action: The Key to a Total Portfolio Approach



    Enterprise Excellence

    Enterprise Excellence

    COVID-19: Reshaping the Future of Work

    The accelerating impact of COVID-19 on future work trends.

    28 May, 2020 ∙ 10 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Organizational Resilience: Navigating Challenging Times

    GIC emphasises the value of building resilience at the enterprise and people level.

    24 Apr, 2020 ∙ 4 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Building a Better Portfolio: Balancing Performance and Liquidity

    We present the OASIS™ Framework, to guide investors in their portfolio allocation decisions.

    14 Apr, 2020 ∙ 12 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Moving Beyond Equality to Inclusion

    Building an inclusive culture is an ongoing journey that requires top-down and bottom-up initiatives.

    06 Mar, 2020 ∙ 12 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    The Rise Of Sovereign Wealth Funds

    Sovereign Wealth Funds have become key participants in global financial markets.

    26 Feb, 2020 ∙ 10 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Investing Singapore’s Foreign Reserves

    GIC was established in 1981 as the fund management company for the Singapore Government.

    21 Feb, 2020 ∙ 6 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence Investment Strategies

    Investing for the Long Term: GIC’s Three Guideposts

    Focus on our mandate, be long-term, and build capabilities and partnerships.

    10 Jan, 2020 ∙ 5 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Man vs Machine: The Importance of Human Capital

    Together, man and machine have the makings of a formidable alliance.

    06 Jan, 2020 ∙ 6 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Tony James on the Essentials for a Successful Long-Term Partnership

    Trust and respect, both organizational and personal, are key.

    25 Oct, 2019 ∙ 1 Min Read

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