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    All Articles

    Investment Strategies

    Infrastructure: A Resilient Strategy in Uncertain Times

    GIC set up a dedicated team in 2005 to invest in infrastructure businesses and was an early entrant in the sector. In the two decades since, it has refined its investment strategy through multiple economic cycles. Today, infrastructure investments form a large and critical part of GIC’s portfolio.

    08 Aug, 2023 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    Investing in a World of Disruptions

    As part of this year’s GIC Report, Lim Chow Kiat, CEO of GIC, shares how GIC continues to invest in a world of disruptions by focusing on portfolio resilience and by seeking out investment opportunities with stable long-term returns.

    26 Jul, 2023 ∙ 2 Mins Read


    Weighted Average Green Revenue (WAGR): Integrating Climate Solutions into Portfolio Construction

    This joint paper by FTSE Russell, GIC and GMO explores the benefits of green metrics such as Weighted Average Green Revenue (WAGR) in assessing portfolio exposure to climate solutions and their application in climate reporting, target setting, thematic investing, and corporate engagement.

    29 Jun, 2023 ∙ 2 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Technology

    Investing in Technology: GIC’s Long-Term Approach for Successful Partnerships

    Technology has always had a place in GIC’s portfolio since its founding over four decades ago. At the Bridge Forum Summit in May 2023, GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat and Head of TIG Chris Emanuel shared more about how GIC invests in tech as a long-term investor and the future of tech.

    28 Jun, 2023 ∙ 8 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies

    Building at Scale in Europe

    Tracy Stroh, GIC’s Region Head of Real Estate, Europe, discusses the latest trends and opportunities in real estate investing in Europe.

    26 Apr, 2023 ∙ 9 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    Seizing Opportunities and Managing Risks in an Uncertain Environment

    GIC CIO for Public Equities, Bryan Yeo, spoke about how investors can seize opportunities and manage risks amid today’s uncertain environment.

    26 Apr, 2023 ∙ 6 Mins Read


    The GIC Climate Signposts: An Investor Tool for Navigating an Uncertain Future

    By assessing the relative likelihoods of key climate scenarios, the GIC Climate Signposts enable investors to prepare for a range of climate outcomes, including the potential for elevated transition and physical risks as well as greater market volatility.

    26 Apr, 2023 ∙ 3 Mins Read


    Integrating Climate Scenario Analysis into Investment Management: A 2023 Update

    GIC and Ortec Finance’s climate scenarios offer investors a practical tool to analyse the impact of climate risks on financial asset returns and the wider economy. A unique feature of the GIC scenarios is their analysis of market risks, including whether markets price in future climate risks smoothly or disruptively, and whether these would lead to sentiment shocks.

    22 Apr, 2023 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Portfolio Construction

    The Role of REITs in Real Estate Allocations

    REITs, when combined with direct real estate, can offer investors greater liquidity as compared to holding direct real estate alone, even through any changes in volatility or expected returns. This liquidity advantage, inflation protection, diversification benefits, and meaningful long-term return potential, are among the boons of including listed real estate within overall real estate allocation.

    03 Apr, 2023 ∙ 2 Mins Read

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