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    All Articles

    Investment Strategies Portfolio Construction

    Seeking Alpha in an Uncertain World

    Earning alpha requires having comparative advantages in areas including investment philosophy, approach, and resource allocation.

    28 Aug, 2020 ∙ 10 Mins Read

    Portfolio Construction

    Portfolio Choice with Path-Dependent Scenarios

    A new systematic approach to scenario analysis enables investors to consider their sequential impacts on portfolio risk and performance.

    25 Aug, 2020 ∙ 3 Mins Read


    Sustainability: An Essential Focus for Long-Term Investors

    By integrating sustainability factors into our processes, we build resilience and diversification for better long-term returns.

    21 Aug, 2020 ∙ 13 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    Facing an Uncharted Future

    These are extraordinary times – the confluence of a public health, economic, and financial crisis.

    28 Jul, 2020 ∙ 10 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    A Changing Global Investment Environment

    The global community is facing an unprecedented combination of a public health crisis, an economic crisis and financial turmoil all at once.

    28 Jul, 2020 ∙ 13 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence Technology

    Driving Innovation through Partnership

    Leaders across the financial services industry should work together to invest in scale.

    06 Jul, 2020 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Principles to Algos to Success

    Humans and AI can be reconciled through better decision-making principles.

    19 Jun, 2020 ∙ 4 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Man vs Machine: An Interview with Deanna Ong

    In a podcast with OMFIF, Deanna Ong, GIC’s Chief People Officer, spoke about adapting to tech disruption in the future workplace.

    09 Jun, 2020 ∙ 1 Min Read


    Trading Desks in BCP Mode: A New Normal of Buy-Side Trading after COVID-19

    The trading desk and surrounding technologies have evolved given the new norm of prolonged business continuity measures.

    03 Jun, 2020 ∙ 8 Mins Read

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