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    GIC Insights 2021


    GIC Insights

    GIC Insights 2021

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    Key Takeaways from
    GIC Insights 2021

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    Towards a Sustainable Future

    The global shift towards sustainability has strengthened with the Covid crisis, and is transforming policies, business and capital markets. Although as a disruptive force, climate change, social inequality and other sustainability risks might have negative implications for longer-term performance, they also bring about opportunities for change and innovation. This is taking place across many sectors, including energy and healthcare which are regarded as being an enabler of as well as a challenge to sustainable development.

    At GIC Insights 2021, we sought perspectives from global thought leaders on how various stakeholders are responding to this evolving landscape, and what initiatives and investments are needed to build a more resilient and sustainable future.


    Keynote Fireside

    A Sustainable Future for Capital

    The post pandemic recovery is likely to feature stark divergence in economic prospects and social inequality, both across and within countries. The accelerated push towards automation will further disrupt labour markets, worsening the social divide.

    How should the public and private sectors rethink their roles and responsibilities in driving more positive outcomes for the economy, environment and society? What does a sustainable future for capital look like?



    Keynote Fireside

    A Sustainable Future for Policy

    The unprecedented policy response to the pandemic helped limit the overall decline in jobs and incomes. We now confront its consequences, as global public debt has reached record levels, and prolonged easy monetary conditions have raised the prospects of higher, more persistent inflation.

    Large advanced economies are rethinking the balance between growth and inflation, use of industrial policy and a sustainable level of debt, while smaller emerging markets are facing more volatile capital flows and less-anchored inflation expectations. These divergences have been exaggerated by geopolitical tensions that reduced global cooperation and left public goods under-provided.

    What are the implications of these global shifts and how should policy be used to sustain growth and increase resilience in a post-COVID world?




    A Sustainable Future for Healthcare

    COVID-19 has accelerated change across the healthcare ecosystem. The dire need for more equitable access to quality and affordable healthcare and surge in appetite for digital health, AI and automation, are transforming service delivery systems, cost structures and supply chains.

    Given the lessons learned from the pandemic and underlying demand pressures, what types of innovation and investment are needed to improve health equity and outcomes, slow rate of cost growth and make healthcare systems more sustainable?




    A Sustainable Future for A Low Carbon Economy

    Increasing investor and consumer activism, evolving climate regulation, and rapid technological progress are paving the way for the global transition towards a low carbon economy. Net-zero commitments by governments and businesses have risen across Europe, Asia and the US, but getting to these bold targets require ambitious actions. The decarbonisation movement will disrupt industries, business models and even the capital markets.

    At the same time, significant investment opportunities to enable and even accelerate this transition will emerge. How will the markets, industries and companies transform themselves and what role can private capital play in this journey towards a low carbon, sustainable future?



    GIC Insights × ThinkSpace


    Towards a Sustainable Future

    Lim Chow Kiat, CEO of GIC, outlines why improving ESG data, engaging companies on their low-carbon transition and driving good governance are key to tackling climate risks.

    24 Jan, 2022 ∙ 3 Mins Read


    A Sustainable Future for Capital

    Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg L. P. and three-term New York City Mayor, discusses what it takes to mobilise capital to tackle climate change and other key issues such as public health or air pollution.

    25 Jan, 2022 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Investment Strategies Technology

    A Sustainable Future for Healthcare

    Healthcare experts share lessons learnt from Covid-19, and how innovation, data and technology could help create more sustainable healthcare systems over the long term.

    04 Feb, 2022 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Macro Outlook

    A Sustainable Future for Policy

    This article examines policy responses to global economic challenges such as rising inflation, sustainability and inequality, and the potential direction of central bank policy in 2022 and beyond.

    03 Feb, 2022 ∙ 4 Mins Read


    A Sustainable Future for a Low-Carbon Economy

    Energy and investment experts look at the innovations as well as financial and regulatory support required to accelerate the clean energy transition.

    07 Feb, 2022 ∙ 3 Mins Read


    Changing Landscape for Sustainable Investing

    At GIC Insights 2021, Marc Rowan, CEO and Co-Founder of Apollo Global Management, shared his valuable perspectives on how sustainability is affecting the consumer, business and investing landscape.

    11 Feb, 2022 ∙ 1 Min Read

    Key Takeaways from GIC Insights 2021

    Click on “Download Report” for a selection of key takeaways from the event.

    Past Years’ Insights

    Established in 2016, GIC Insights is GIC's annual thought leadership event that convenes business leaders and policymakers from across the world to discuss long-term issues shaping the global economic and investment landscape.

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