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    Mingjian Bi

    Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of Management Committee

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    Mr. Bi Mingjian, CEO and Chairman of Management Committee of CICC, participated in the founding of CICC in 1995. Mr. Bi served as Deputy CEO, Member of the CICC Management Committee, Acting Chairman of the Management Committee, Co-head of Investment Banking, Co-COO, and senior advisor during his career in CICC. He led most CICC milestone deals, such as China Mobile, China Unicom, Sinopec, Chinalco, ICBC and China Life.

    Prior to re-joining CICC, Mr. Bi was the Managing Partner of HOPU Investments, overseeing the firm’s operations including fundraising, investment and daily operations from March 2012.Peviously, Mr. Bi had served in the World Bank, China Construction Bank , etc., and others for around eighteen years. Mr.Bi graduated from Huadong University in 1978 and obtained his MBA from George Mason University in May 1993.

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