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    Choo Yong Cheen

    Chief Investment Officer, Private Equity

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    Choo Yong Cheen was appointed Chief Investment Officer for Private Equity in July 2016. He oversees the Private Equity portfolio, which includes investments in buyouts, minority growth, Pre-IPOs, venture capital, private credit, and special situations. He joined GIC in 1996 and held various roles in the Economics and Strategy Department. Mr Choo transferred to the Equities Department in 2002, where he managed an Asia regional equities portfolio, specialising in China. He transferred to GIC Special Investments to run GIC’s Private Equity business across Asia in 2011, before being posted to London in 2014 to run the European Private Equity business. Mr Choo is also currently the Head of GIC’s China Business Group.

    Mr Choo holds a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours) and a Master of Science (with Distinction) in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has also completed the Senior Executive Programme from the London Business School.

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