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    Cookie Policy


    Cookie Policy

    Cookies Policy Information

    What are cookies?

    This is the cookie notice for http://www.gic.com.sg (“Cookie Notice”). It applies to information collected and used by GIC Private Limited (“we“, “our” or “us”) when you access and use our website. This information is collected through instruments known as Cookies and various other technologies used to set and interact with Cookies on our site.

    This Cookie Notice explains what Cookies are, which Cookies we use and why, and what you can do to manage your Cookie preferences. Where any information we collect through Cookies qualifies as personal data, our Privacy Policy applies to the collection and use of that data. Please review this Cookie Notice and our Privacy Policy here carefully.

    Source and categories of Cookies

    Our Cookies are either first party or third party. Whether a Cookie is ‘first’ or ‘third’ party depends on the website or domain placing the Cookie. In the context of this Cookie Notice, first party Cookies are Cookies set by us and all the information collected from such Cookies are received by us, while third party Cookies are set by other parties we do business with. These parties may place unique Cookies on your browser when you visit our website, to collect information about your use of the website and possibly other online activities over time and across different websites and apps. These third parties collect data directly from your web browser and the processing of this data is subject to their own privacy policies.

    • Persistent cookies
      These Cookies are stored on your device in between browser sessions and allow your preferences or actions across our websites (or in some cases across different websites) to be remembered. Persistent Cookies may be used for a variety of purposes including remembering your preferences and choices when using our site or to target advertising. These Cookies do not expire once the browsing session closes and remain on your device until an expiration date set by the source of the Cookie, unless you disable this.
    • Session Cookies
      These Cookies are only allocated to your computer for the duration of your visit to our website. A session-based Cookie helps you move around our website faster and, if you are a registered customer, it allows us to give you information that is more relevant to you. This Cookie automatically expires when you close your browser.

    Use of Cookies

    It is important to note that different Cookies do different jobs, below are a summary of Cookies used on this website.

    • Performance Cookies
      These Cookies collect and report on aggregate non-identifiable information, which helps us understand the performance of the website and provides insights on how the site is currently used and how it can be improved for visitors. These Cookies provide information such as the areas you have visited, the time spent on the website, and any issues you encounter, such as error messages.

    Managing Cookies

    Our performance Cookies are not strictly necessary for the website to work but will provide you with a better browsing experience. You can delete or block these Cookies, but if you do this, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit our website and some features of the site may not work as intended.

    Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept Cookies. You can change the settings to block Cookies or to alert you when Cookies are being sent to your device. If you use different devices to view and access our website (e.g. your computer, smartphone, tablet etc) you will need to ensure that each browser on each device is adjusted to suit your Cookie preferences.

    Click here for more information on Cookies and how to manage them.

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