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    Caution Against Fraud and Scams


    Caution Against Fraud and Scams


    GIC manages Singapore’s foreign reserves and does not provide any investment services to the public. GIC will never contact any member of the public to open a trading account, make a private trade or fund transfer for any investment including but not limited to gold, crypto, property, equities, bonds, commodities, or any other asset or financial instruments.

    Please be forewarned that any attempt to solicit investments from any member of the public using GIC’s name and/or brand is a fraud or scam. This includes the use of phone calls, text messages, social media messages, websites, emails, and any other forms of communications.

    If you receive such information or messages from any organization or person claiming to be from GIC or affiliated with GIC, please do not react, reply, click on any links, or open any attachments. GIC accepts no responsibility for any fees, costs, charges, payments, or losses made which were incurred as a result of such fraud or scam.

    If you suspect you may have been exposed to such a fraud or scam, please report it to your local police. GIC will not be responding to any complaints or queries about such fraud or scam.

    If you are in any doubt as to the integrity of the information you have received about GIC, please always only access GIC websites via our official global website: www.gic.com.sg.






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