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    Hans Kobler

    Founder and Managing Partner
    Energy Impact Partners

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    Mr. Kobler is the Founder and Managing Partner at Energy Impact Partners (EIP), a collaborative strategic investment fund backed by over 30 global energy companies with more than US$2 billion under management. EIP is the largest global innovation coalition in the industry and one of the largest energy technology funds in the world. Mr. Kobler leads EIP’s investment and strategic efforts, maximizing value for investors, partners and portfolio companies to catalyze the transformation towards a decarbonized, decentralized, digital energy future. EIP’s portfolio companies are innovating in areas ranging from clean power generation to the smart home, and from electric vehicles to grid cybersecurity, laying the foundation for the global zero carbon economy.

    Mr. Kobler has spent his career focused on transformative businesses as investor, advisor and operator. As Chief Strategy Officer at General Electric, he pioneered the company’s strategic investment model and then led GE’s Energy Technology Investment Group, where he worked closely with GE Power Systems, GE Industrial Systems and GE Research. Mr. Kobler followed his career at GE by founding and serving as CEO at Digital Power Capital, a successful venture capital fund focused on advanced power technologies. Out of Digital Power Capital, Mr. Kobler started ICx Technologies, a leading sensor technology company focused on security, transportation and energy, which he led as CEO and Chairman through a successful IPO, listing on Nasdaq and strategic sale. Earlier in his career, Mr. Kobler was a consultant with Bain & Company where he developed strategies for large global industrials and assisted private equity firms in their Boston, Sydney and Munich offices.

    Mr. Kobler is a frequent speaker on innovation, corporate venture capital and the transformation of the global economy towards a sustainable future. He has addressed forums such as the BNEF Global Summit, Goldman Sachs Impact Investing Summit and CERAWeek, among others.

    Mr. Kobler holds a Master of Aerospace Engineering from the Technical University of Munich with distinction, a MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and attended INSEAD’s MBA (SS) program. He lives in New York with his wife, dog and three daughters.

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