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    Mateo Jaramillo

    Co-Founder and CEO
    Form Energy

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    Mateo Jaramillo is Co-Founder and CEO of Form Energy, which is developing transformationally low-cost, multi-day storage to enable the 100% renewable and reliable electric grid. He was formerly Vice President of Products and Programs for Tesla’s stationary energy storage program, an effort he started. In that role, he was responsible for Tesla Energy’s product line and business model definition, as well as global policy and business development. Mateo joined Tesla in 2009 as the Director of Powertrain Business Development, serving as commercial lead on over $100M in new development and $500M in production contracts signed for electric powertrain sales. Prior to Tesla, Mateo was Chief Operating Officer and part of the founding team at Gaia Power Technologies, a pioneering distributed energy storage firm.

    Mateo serves on the Board of Directors for the American Clean Power Association, and is a Henry Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute. Mateo earned his A.B. in Economics from Harvard and a Masters in Theology from Yale Divinity School.

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