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    Social Impact

    GIC’s Investing Principles Curriculum

    Co-created by GIC and The Thought Collective (TTC), this investing principles curriculum titled “How Can We Take On The Next Normal” comprises five core modules based on GIC’s principles of long-term strategic thinking and TTC's social-emotional and leadership distinctions. The curriculum has been well-received by more than 1,700 youths and 800 Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as they learn to equip themselves for the new normal, better economic recovery and transformation. We are pleased to work with partners such as National Youth Council and the Singapore Business Federation to offer this curriculum to their members too.

    Session 1: How Can We Take On The Next Normal — Introduction

    We introduce you to two foundational frameworks that can help you see what keeps us stuck, what gets us unstuck and how to distinguish the appropriate approach for the specific situation you are dealing with.

    PDF guide for this session

    Session 2: Take The Long-Term Perspective

    We introduce you to “Take The Long-Term Perspective”, the first of 5 principles. Understand whether you are operating from an ascending, descending or oscillating narrative, and unpack what is already in your business, professional and personal moat that can give you a sustainable competitive advantage.

    PDF guide for this session

    Session 3: Focus On Value

    We introduce you to the second principle “Focus On Value”. Revisit your ideas about values and examine what could be your unique value proposition to the world. Unpack what you believe about your value and your price and learn how you can focus on making choices based on value, not price.

    PDF guide for this session

    Session 4: Leverage Your Strengths

    We introduce you to the principle “Leverage Your Strengths”. Understand the difference between interests, talents, passions and strengths. Explore your strengths and understand why it is far more strategic to leverage your strengths rather than fix your weaknesses.

    PDF guide for this session

    Session 5: Be Risk Aware

    We introduce you to “Be Risk Aware”, the fourth of 5 principles you will need to move forward. Understand what risk is, and how it is an essential part of reality we need to work with. Consider how you can manage risks ahead through some guiding principles.

    PDF guide for this session

    Session 6: Prepare, Don’t Predict

    We introduce you to the last principle “Prepare, Don’t Predict”. Understand why people are addicted to predictions and are reluctant to prepare for the future. Learn some simple models that may give you more clarity about how to process your thoughts and choices regarding the future.

    PDF guide for this session

    Session 7: Conclusion

    In this final session, we draw some conclusions about what we and others may need to move forward. Consider how we can offer clarity to ourselves first and then to others. Learn how to identify whether people are thriving, survive, struggling or in crisis and why our compassion may be just what is needed to help us navigate an uncertain next normal.

    PDF guide for this session

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