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    Investment Strategies Committee

    Peter Seah Lim Huat

    DBS Group Holdings Ltd

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    Director, GIC Board
    Chairman, GIC Human Resource & Organization Committee
    Deputy Chairman, GIC Investment Strategies Committee

    Peter Seah Lim Huat is the Chairman of DBS Group Holdings. He chairs GIC’s Human Resource & Organization Committee and is Deputy Chairman of the Investment Strategies Committee. He heads the boards of Singapore Airlines and LaSalle College of the Arts, and chairs the National Wages Council. He was a banker for 33 years before retiring as Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the former Overseas Union Bank in 2001. He was also President and CEO of the Singapore Technologies Group. Mr Seah also serves on the board of STT Communications. In 2021, he was awarded The Order of Nila Utama (With Distinction) by the President of Singapore.

    Mr Seah holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) from National University of Singapore Business School.

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