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    Who We Are

    Liew Tzu Mi

    Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income & Multi Asset

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    Liew Tzu Mi was appointed Chief Investment Officer for Fixed Income in July 2016 and the department was renamed to Fixed Income & Multi Asset in April 2023. She oversees the fixed income and multi-asset portfolio, which includes investments in macro, corporate credit, structured products, convertibles, alternative credit, and cross-asset systematic investing. She joined GIC in 1998 and built her career in the Fixed Income Department. She was responsible for the emerging markets and foreign exchange business from 2008 to 2010 and headed up the Macro Research & Strategy team at its inception in 2011 as well as the global macro business from 2011 to 2016. She chairs GIC’s Currency Risk Management Committee, which is responsible for managing the currency exposure of the total portfolio, and the Sustainability Committee, which drives the integration of sustainability into GIC’s investment and corporate processes. Ms Liew is a member of the Ministry of Defence SAVER-Premium Board of Trustees and the Central Provident Fund Board.

    Ms Liew holds a Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) in Engineering and Master of Arts from the University of Cambridge, and a Master of Science in Engineering from Princeton University. She has completed the Advanced Management Program from INSEAD.

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