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    Who We Are

    Deanna Ong

    Chief People Officer

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    Deanna Ong was appointed Chief People Officer in April 2017. She oversees human resource strategy to attract, develop, and retain talent for enterprise performance, with the right values and culture for GIC. Her areas of focus include leadership development, reward and engagement for business effectiveness, and organisational culture. She has been responsible for human resource and organisation and corporate governance since 2012. Ms Ong was Director, Finance from 2009 to 2014, during which she headed the finance group responsible for financial management across the GIC Portfolio, covering financing for assets, tax planning, investment holding structures, and management of group revenue and expenditure. Prior to joining GIC in 1994, she was a tax accountant with Arthur Andersen. Ms Ong is currently a board member of Swiss Re Ltd, National University Health System, and Wealth Management Institute International Pte Ltd.

    Ms Ong holds a Bachelor of Accountancy from Nanyang Technological University. She has completed the Stanford Executive Program from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

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