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    Social Impact


    Social Impact

    Creating long-term value in our community

    “GIC’s investment capital supports the enterprises and stakeholders that we invest in for the long term. This approach extends to our community programmes, which seek to build more confident and inclusive communities.”

    Lim Chow Kiat
    CEO, GIC

    Empowering Our People to Give Back

    Employees across our global offices put GIC’s values into action by co-creating projects with community partners. We dedicate our time, effort and expertise in creating positive impact where we live and work.

    GIC actively supports these efforts through donations, matching schemes, and a Volunteer Leave provision.

    With Love, GIC

    GIC volunteers have stepped up in the global COVID-19 pandemic, leading and participating in ground-up activities to support those in need. Our efforts include the provision and distribution of food in high-needs households, and supporting confidence-building workshops for people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Every project is targeted at helping our ground-up community partners expand their operations and scale their impact during the pandemic.

    Our pandemic response in numbers:















    Collaborating for Greater Impact

    We work closely with like-minded organisations to design and deliver community programmes. At the corporate level, we champion education to help build capacity within individuals to become confident leaders who actively contribute to the community. Through education, we believe we can spark a multiplier effect on various facets of our community, including economic security, collective well-being, and environmental sustainability, which in turn creates long-term impact.

    GIC Sparks & Smiles

    GIC Sparks empowers Singaporean youths from high-needs households to be changemakers who want to pay it forward in their own communities. We support our Sparks recipients with volunteering experiences, skills and opportunities to become confident leaders and contributors to the community.

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    The Purple Symphony: Training Award Programme

    We partner The Purple Symphony, Singapore’s largest inclusive orchestra, to provide persons with special needs and disadvantaged backgrounds with equal opportunities to develop their musical talent and grow in confidence over the long term.

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    GIC Enable Programme

    GIC is a member of Singapore Network of Disability and participates in mentorship programmes to enhance the employability of individuals with special needs. Our employees mentor students with various disabilities, and we support SG Enable’s internship programme for these students to be deployed as interns in GIC. This stems from our belief that an inclusive environment will yield exceptional contribution, and our commitment to integrating diversity and inclusion in our People practices.

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    GIC X Change

    The GIC X Change is a mentorship and volunteering programme where like-minded GIC mentors and youth mentees come together to develop community service projects that are asset-based and build on strengths of the community.

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    GIC Computing for the Community Fellowship Award

    GIC supports the NUS School of Computing and sponsors the Community Fellowship Award for schools participating in the Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organizations (CVWO) attachment programme. The programme provides a platform for undergraduates to develop the required skills and confidence in their profession outside of the classroom while delivering long-term impact to communities in need.

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    Supporting financial literacy

    We have a strong emphasis on continual learning within GIC, adopting a growth mindset when it comes to developing our people. We apply the same approach externally, creating customised experiences that promote the understanding of long-term investing among youths in Singapore and beyond.

    Learning Experiences

    GIC Learning Journey

    GIC Learning Journey is a walkabout tour of GIC that sheds light on our history as the first non-commodity based country to have a sovereign wealth fund, our contributions to Singapore, and our investment principles and process.

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    GIC’s Investing Principles Curriculum

    Co-created by GIC and The Thought Collective (TTC), this investing principles curriculum titled “How Can We Take On The Next Normal” comprises five core modules based on GIC’s principles of long-term strategic thinking and TTC's social-emotional and leadership distinctions.

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    Learning Resources

    Learn about our origins, where we’re headed, our key investing principles, investment approach, and more.

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