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    Singular Focus, Collective Action: The Key to a Total Portfolio Approach



    Enterprise Excellence

    Enterprise Excellence Sustainability

    Tristan Walker, Founder and CEO of Walker and Company

    Is diversity the key to unlocking sustainable growth in companies? GIC meets Tristan Walker, Founder and CEO of Walker and Company, who shares his…

    31 Mar, 2021 ∙ 11 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence Sustainability

    Sustainability – An Enterprise Journey

    Sustainability has been incorporated not only into GIC’s investment and risk management processes, but also its business operations and organisational culture.

    18 Mar, 2021 ∙ 10 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World: An Interview with Deanna Ong

    These unique conditions, which impose more demands on leaders, teams and individuals, requires situational leadership.

    14 Dec, 2020 ∙ 13 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Forrest Li on Key Business Lessons from COVID-19

    Resilient and adaptable businesses are well-placed to deal with disruptions.

    30 Nov, 2020 ∙ 1 Min Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Lei Zhang on Largest COVID-19 Impacts on Business

    Businesses can take advantage of the current crisis to consider sustainable long-term opportunities.

    30 Nov, 2020 ∙ 1 Min Read

    Enterprise Excellence Investment Strategies Macro Outlook

    Facing an Uncharted Future

    These are extraordinary times – the confluence of a public health, economic, and financial crisis.

    28 Jul, 2020 ∙ 10 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence Technology

    Driving Innovation through Partnership

    Leaders across the financial services industry should work together to invest in scale.

    06 Jul, 2020 ∙ 3 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Principles to Algos to Success

    Humans and AI can be reconciled through better decision-making principles.

    19 Jun, 2020 ∙ 4 Mins Read

    Enterprise Excellence

    Man vs Machine: An Interview with Deanna Ong

    In a podcast with OMFIF, Deanna Ong, GIC’s Chief People Officer, spoke about adapting to tech disruption in the future workplace.

    09 Jun, 2020 ∙ 1 Min Read

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