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    Sustainable Investment Fund



    Sustainable Investment Fund

    The Sustainable Investment Fund (SIF) is a coordinated effort across both public and private markets to identify and invest in sustainability-related opportunities that generate good financial returns over time. Launched in July 2020, it serves as a dedicated investment portfolio to accelerate sustainability integration across all asset classes.

    Through a bottom-up evaluation process, the SIF will invest in sustainability leaders, as well as companies with a strong potential to successfully transition towards more sustainable business practices.

    As with all of GIC’s investment groups, SIF adds value through active engagement with companies, to encourage and guide them in their sustainability transition. The SIF also develops the necessary analytical tools and data, will in turn catalyse GIC’s sustainability integration and deepen our capabilities in this space across all asset classes.

    Apeel Sciences

    Apeel is a US-based company that has developed a plant-based edible coating that slows down the decay of fresh fruit and vegetables, doubling the shelf life of fresh produce. This reduces food waste and enables other supply chain efficiencies that conserve natural resources and avoid carbon emissions.

    GIC invested in Appel in early 2020. The company has since progressed well, expanding their product offering through partnerships with major retail chains and suppliers in North America, Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia.


    Poland-based InPost is a leading e-commerce enablement asset and a key logistics and delivery provider for large international companies Their products help to increase resource efficiency due to cost savings from delivering a parcel to a centralised locker, as compared to delivering to a specific door address. In terms of carbon emissions, InPost deliveries in urban areas are 66% less carbon intensive, while deliveries in rural areas are 90% less carbon intensive.

    GIC was a cornerstone investor in 2021. Given InPost’s level of market penetration into the e-commerce industry, GIC is confident in the company’s growth potential. The company is looking to expand geographically – starting with Europe and then the UK, with further breakthroughs in ancillary services.

    Hyundai Motor

    The adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) has been one of the most notable trends in recent years. This is due to a mix of advances in battery technology, shifting consumer preferences and regulatory moves to incentivise greener transportation amid global efforts to reduce carbon emission and focus on smart mobility solutions.

    As the global automotive industry continues to evolve and we enter a new Smart EV era, GIC has continued to invest in Hyundai Motor, an industry leader in the commercialisation of hydrogen fuel cell technology and early mover in the transition to EVs.

    GIC’s confidence in this investment is backed by the company’s favorable positioning in the EV space, as they were one of the first to launch EVs on dedicated platforms among global automakers and have achieved a higher market share in New Energy vehicles.


    Electric Vehicles (EVs) are expected to take up an increasing significant part of the transportation market and decarbonisation path. In the same vein, transport charging infrastructure has become a key gating item to supporting decarbonisation goals.

    ChargePoint, a leading EV charging infrastructure company, delivers integrated technology solutions to enable and optimise EV charging. The company focuses on offering the infrastructure, as well as managing the software for smart charging. ChargePoint’s cloud subscription platform and software-defined charging hardware are designed to include options for every charging scenario from home and multifamily to workplace, parking, hospitality, retail and transport fleets of all types ChargePoint’s products help reduce emissions by catalysing the transition from internal combustion engine vehicles to EVs.

    GIC was an early investor in ChargePoint. Key attractions include its market leading position, with a substantial market share in the US and an emerging presence in Europe, strong sectoral tailwinds and the potential impact the evolving electrification of transport will have on emerging infrastructure business models and the electricity ecosystem such as generation, transmission, and distribution.
